Honey Sauce (REC)

Spring 2013 Schedule (record: 11-4-1)

Date Time Field Vs. Result
Sat. 4/06 11:00am INW Bernstein Bears W: 10-7
Sat. 4/06 2:00pm INW TLA W: 13-8
Sat. 4/13 12:30pm INW Game of Throws L: 6-10
Sat. 4/13 2:00pm INW Walmart=cocaine L: 5-13
Sat. 4/20 4:00pm VCP Bernstein Bears T:   6-6
Sat. 4/20 5:00pm VCP Walmart=cocaine W: 8-3
Sat. 4/27 11:00am INW Ironclad W: 10-7
Sat. 4/27 12:30pm INW TLA W: 9-5
Sat. 5/04 3:30pm VCP Game of Throws FL: 0-0
Sat. 5/04 6:00pm VCP Bernstein Bears W: 13-6
Sat. 5/18 3:30pm VCP TLA L: 7-8
Sat. 5/18 4:45pm VCP Game of Throws W: 13-8
Sat. 6/01 3:30pm VCP Walmart=cocaine FW: 0-0
Sat. 6/01 6:00pm VCP Ironclad W: 11-9
Sat. 6/08 12:30pm INW Game of Throws W: 13-10
Sat. 6/08 2:00pm INW Walmart=cocaine FW: 0-0

Season Index: Spring 2013

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